O II- Oberon II (WI)
Q II - Quade II (IL), Quastl II (IL), Quirl II (MO)
R II- Rover II (IL), Rex II (NY)
T II- Tramp II (NJ)
U II- Ulf II (IL)
V II- Volker II (MN), Vince II (ID)
W II- Winston II (KS)
Y II- Yancy II (MI), Yogi II (IL)
B III- Buck III (TX)
C III- Carl III (IL)
F III- Feuer III (IL), Franko III (WI)
G III- Groll III (MN)
H III- Harras III (MN)
I III- Isaac III (MI), Ishmael III (VA)
J III- Jacques III (VA)
O III- Olivier III (IA)
A full profile of certified Jagdkönig stud dogs around the US is coming soon. This is the list we've begun to compile.
Casper vom Rodebaugh
Casper is owned by our friend, Tom Hinderer, who lives in the suburbs of Chicago. Tom and Casper hunt in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and much of the Midwest. Casper was selected from the five males in his litter because Mike was so impressed by his mother's, Giena Dewolf, character and behavior when she had small puppies. His father is Buck III vom Jagdkönig, a dog Mike trained and ran. We know Casper well since he visited often to train and test throughout his life. He is still a young dog, but Tom is pleased with how he is developing as a hunting and companion dog with a good off switch and a lot of drive in the field and water. He is friendly toward people and other dogs while maintaining high prey drive. Our W III, X III, and Y III litters are all out of Casper.